Grace Milton's peaceful life with her family on a horse ranch outside Tombstone, Arizona is shattered in one devastating night. Her family is brutally murdered by the notorious Guiltless Gang, leaving Grace the only survivor. Trekking into the wilder...
After Grace Milton's family is brutally murdered at their ranch outside Tombstone, Arizona, she must learn to fend for herself. She takes to the wilderness on her stallion, Bullet, but soon falls ill on her journey. Joe, a young man who lives with an...
With the Summer Sea Carnival visiting the enchanted island of Bijou Mer, Imogen jumps at the chance to help run the royal bakery booth. It'll get her out of the palace and allow her to continue avoiding her feelings for a certain engaged prince. Imog...
Imogen Banks has dreamed her entire life of opening her own bakery in Seattle. But when she accidentally sets fire to her apartment ...
Murder at a Mermaid NightclubThe enchanted village of Bijou Mer's on high alert, with the villainous Horace on the loose.Imogen's excited to escape the tension with a trip to the underwater Mermaid Kingdom to bakefor the young mermaid queen's engagem...
Murder in a magical, merry town just brimming with secrets. On the snowy road to the Earth Kingdom for the holidays, Imogen and the bakers are ambushed by Horace, villainous leader of the Badlands Army. They're forced to detour to an idyllic, rural v...
A bewitched prison. A brother with a deadly request. Can a magical baker launch a jailbreak and still keep her prince in the process? Imogen's magical bakery is thriving and she loves the company of the Water Kingdom's dashing prince. But she's not s...
A hostile town. A mountaintop mission. Will their magic save the day or spoil the pudding? Imogen thought escaping the king's wrath would give her everything she wanted. But her relationship with Prince Hank is tougher than an overcooked flan and the...
Welcome to the coziest, vampire-owned tea room in Bath! It's steeped in magic and mystery. You've got to have your bestie's back, right? Even if it involves stalking a vampire hunter? Minnie Wells is getting back out there again after a messy divorce...
Trapped in a magical Renaissance Faire and accused of murder. Huzzah! When Adelaide Laidey Ryan dragged herself off the couch for a date at the Renaissance Faire, she didn't expect to run into her cheating ex-fiancé. The day only gets better whe...
Pirates, mutiny and murder! Can this broom-making witch catch a killer? Adelaide Laidey Ryan is adjusting to her new life in a cursed Renaissance Faire. But it's not all bad for this broom-crafting witch. Her snarky black cat familiar and the dashing...
Quests and Dreams makes learning to read easy! This collection of 10 fun stories, the third in the series, uses the SoundBlends'(TM) blended phonics program to nurture your beginning or struggling reader: 1. See the letter and say the sound.2. Blend ...
Curses, cats and capers! Can this fledgling witch work her magic to save the faire? Novice witch, Adelaide Laidey Ryan is up to her pointy hat in trouble. A hex lingers over the Renaissance Faire she now calls home, and an ancient prophesy hints that...