Liesl, a young Jewish refugee who yearns to be glamorous and famous like Rita Hayworth, finds herself sidetracked by Billy Laramie, an incorrigible troublemaker, in a story about a young girl coming of age in Manhattan during World War II...
Illus in black and white. Pete and his friends love to play pick-up soccer, and they're getting so good that when one of the kids' dads sees them in action, he delares it's time they formed an official team. This sounds like a great idea, but the kid...
Seventeen-year-old Andy has two things on his mind this summer: working for the small newspaper in the Hamptons and losing his virginity. While on a bike ride, he meets beautiful Susan, an au pair for the wealthy and reclusive Carlyles. Andy and Susa...
Once Katie sees the skinny brown dog whimpering behind the junkyard fence, all she can think about is saving him. But Lucky doesn't belong to her, and even if he did, she couldn't bring him home -- dogs aren't allowed in the projects where she lives....
A littered lot in New York’s Alphabet City is transformed into a lush garden by people of the neighborhood. Young Marisol finds a small patch of her own, where she plants a large, flat seed. As it grows up and up, it surprises everyone and becomes ...
On a stifling summer day in the city, Kate’s family travels by crowded bus and subway to the cool, refreshing seaside. While splashing at the ocean’s edge, Kate’s mind wanders and she becomes Donnatalee, mermaid of the sea. Beneath the cool, cl...
An orphan train child escapes a coldhearted adoptive family to join a vaudeville troupe and travel to Texas to find her older brother Sean.
Deirdre O'Rourke and her brothers Sean and Jimmy are sent by their mum from their tenement existence to...