PINNACLE OF DECEIT is a highly accomplished thriller from author Eric Rill. Set in the gilded world of luxury hotels, high-stakes politics, drug czars, and money launderers, it follows the astonishingly successful lives of four men who sh...
THE INNOCENT TRAITOR, Eric Rill's riveting new thriller, plummets the reader into the secret corridors of international espionage and politics as it follows the lives of two immigrants who risk everything to reach America, unaware of the ...
On Friday, Nick Grant is an ordinary guy, with a good job, a wife he loves, and an adorable eight-year-old son. On Saturday, his wife is dead, his son is in critical condition, and there is an unidentified body in the basement.
Wracked wit...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Eric Rill has published 4 books.
Eric Rill does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, The Window Washer, was published in March 2016.
The first book by Eric Rill, Pinnacle of Deceit, was published in February 2014.