Tim, a technician who provides maintenance on a super-secret time machine, steals an unauthorized trip into the past to try and save his recently deceased fiancee, unaware of the effects this seemingly innocent event will have on the world.This short...
In the year 2492, the luxury cruise ship, Hennepin, makes a mysterious emergency stop to the distant Treadway Station. As the ship arrives, Card, a maintenance worker, goes outside to make repairs on the station, and returns an hour later only to fin...
Emily Dickinson is widely regarded as one of the greatest poets in history. The world saw her as a withdrawn, reclusive writer with a desperate need for privacy.
That’s exactly what she wanted you to think.
Emily Dickinson was also one of the...
Lost In Thought is the powerful companion to Eric Nixon’s 2004 poetry collection, Anything but Dreams. Comprised of the reminder of his poetic output from that time period, the subjects of this varied collection are told from his unique and easily ...
Trying Not To Blink is the follow-up to Eric Nixon’s previous poetry collections, Anything but Dreams and Lost In Thought. After hearing Garrison Keillor read one of his poems on the public radio program, The Writer’s Almanac, Nixon was deeply in...
Bryn Struse has a lot to worry about. The orphaned daughter of humanity-saving inventors will soon turn eighteen and inherit the largest company in the Solar Union’s history. Getting to that day will involve her uncovering evidence surrounding her ...