This romantic adventure conjures up the passionate life story of the Civil War era's legendary private eye, recounting dramatic exploits and his clandestine love affair with his partner Allan Pinkerton's story opens in Chicago on the eve of the Amer...
History effortlessly convinces us, but Fiction has to work so much harder to accomplish the suspension of disbelief: cajoling, arguing, pleading, losing all dignity and shamelessly seducing. If all else fails, Fiction will even break into a soft-shoe...
The novel published in 2008 as Pinkerton’s Secret was a prosaic, grotesque mash-up of this Original Manuscript.The “real” Allan Pinkerton once existed, but not in these pages. At three in the morning, the writer heard the voice of a man trying ...
There are lines you don’t cross. That’s how you live your life. You keep looking down to check the lines and make sure no matter how nuts things get, you’re on the right side of the line.Jane believed that. She really did. But in the face of th...