"A detective thriller featuring a velociraptor PI and a secret society of dinosaurs disguised as humans?...Awesomely funny... Vincent Rubio has a washed-up Los Angeles detective agency, lousy credit, and a dead partner--on top of an addiction to basi...
The dinosaurs are back. Actually, they never went away. They faked their extinction, evolved, and now live among us in clever disguises. Some of them have attained fairly prominent positions in society, while others are just your average working stif...
Roy and Frankie are matchstick men -- con artists. Partners in elegant crimes for years, they know each other like brothers and have perfected the rules of the game. Roy is the careful one, saves every penny. Frankie is the adventurous one, hungry fo...
As a velociraptor himself, PI Vincent Rubio jumps when asked to do a job for the raptor Mafia. He "tails" a rival hadrosaur first to Las Vegas, then to the racetracks of Miami, where he learns how raptors disguised as racehorses have been fixing race...
Cassandra French is a twenty-nine-year-old business affairs lawyer for a movie studio in Los Angeles. She has a creepy, platitudinous mother who is under house arrest for telemarketing fraud; and two best friends: studio exec Claire, who's sleeping w...
In a brave new world, you'll never have to die . . . as long as you keep up with the payments. Thanks to the technological miracle of artiforgs, now you can live virtually forever. Nearly indestructible artificial organs, these wonders of metal an...
"Writer Eric Garcia (Repo Men) introduces us to Ben Fischer, one of the key architects of Golden Shield--an invasive but advanced anti-crime surveillance system utilizing every security camera and internal system in San Francisco. Unfortunately, Shie...
The Shadows Share is a collection of short stories addressing what happens when we suppress and hide the dark sides of our psyche/being. Each story deals with the shadow side of people and how it compels them to act and think in ways contrary t...