When mega-magnate Jolyon Scrupulous plans a cruise around the Mythikan islands, little does anyone know what lies in store. Is there a fiendish villain aboard with mischief in mind? Packed with suspense, each story in the Usborne Whodunnits series is...
'This combined volume contains three ghostly titles from the Usborne Spinechillers series. Packed with thrills and suspense, each creepy tale is densely illustrated with exciting and atmospheric full-color pictures. Clues and red herrings lurk throug...
-- Clues and red herrings on every page give readers opportunities to solve the case themselves
-- Original fiction written by Usborne's Puzzle Adventures team
-- Challenging puzzles utilize reasoning skills...
Finn doesn't want to move to the spooky old house in the first place. Soon the strange goings-on and mysterious noises are driving him crazy - and he's driving his family crazy about it. Then he sees the creature that's been hibernating in the wardro...
Flo is a thoroughly modern witchgirl. She has a spellstick, travels about in her skyrider and wouldn't know a cauldron if she fell into one. But when her grandmother turns up on an actual boomstick, warning that ghouls are about to attack Witchworld,...
Stan is on holiday with his family at the seaside when everything starts going a bit odd. First there's the fairy - the one his brother caught. It doesn't look like a fairy. It's not twinkly. Its name is Harry, and it bites. Then, there...