In the late summer and early fall of 1938, ten-year-old Ruth Block, along with her father, mother, and best friend, Miriam, must navigate the increasing pressure placed on the Jewish population in Frankfurt, Germany. Ruth grows more worried by the da...
What day is it? The Days of the Week give us clues! Days and weeks are Patterns of Time that help us know what will happen today and tomorrow....
What month is it? The Months of the Year give us clues! Months are Patterns of Time that help us know what we might be doing and what the weather will be like, now and later in the year....
What season is it? The Seasons of the Year give us clues! Seasons are Patterns of Time that help us know what the weather will be like and what clothes to wear, now and later in the year....
What time is it? Telling Time gives us clues! Hours and minutes are Patterns of Time that help us know what will happen now and later....