Alice Creek is a down-trodden, English, 11 year old girl who has just started at secondary school. She is fed up of the bullies; angry at having asthma; desperate for something special to happen to her and fascinated by adventure and mysteries. Basic...
Separated from his friends one fateful beer-party night, college student Peter Orbus stumbles upon a pale young woman in the park. He feels a strange connection to the shy young woman, a connection made stronger when he gives her his favorite sweate...
The scent of fall brings with it the night of Hallow’s Eve, and with it Peter Orbus’s new adventure in the world of the paranormal. More than college students walk the halls and paths of the campus town as a rash of zombie sightings lead Peter a...
In the winter of 1940, ten-year-old Zachariah Yovanov's life is turned upside down in a single evening. While his father is away fighting on the frontlines of the World War II in Poland with the Soviet army, his mother is slaughtered by a demon in a ...