Blair Clemens is a struggling single mother with a teenage daughter, a job as a chef, and a tragic secret that will test all of her emotional resources. Luke Bellingham has fulfilled his early promise and is one the country's most acclaimed screenwri...
A single day in Paris changes the lives of three Americans as they each set off to explore the city with a French tutor, learning about language, love, and loss as their lives intersect in surprising ways. Josie, Riley, and Jeremy have come to the...
A riveting and poignant novel of one woman’s journey to Bali in search of love, renewal, and a place to call home -- perfect for readers of Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love and Alex Garland’s The Beach. It starts as a trip to paradise. S...
Ellen Sussman, nationally bestselling author of French Lessons, delivers a feast for the senses in A Wedding in Provence -- a moving novel of love, forgiveness, and trust, set among the beaches and vineyards of southern France. When Olivia and B...
Ellen Sussman, nationally bestselling author of "French Lessons," delivers a feast for the senses in "A Wedding in Provence"--a moving novel of love, forgiveness, and trust, set among the beaches and vineyards of southern France. When Olivia and...