At once tender and hilarious, this captivating story turns suburbia upside down, revealing the inner lives of three characters who have more humor, heartache, and heat than one PTA can hold When a Hollywood location scout comes to Applewood, Long...
Bev is the Smart One, who finally leaves her artistic ambitions in chalk dust (and her humor-impaired husband in the arms--and legs--of his nubile protegee) to become a schoolteacher. Clare is the Pretty One, who married well and seems to be living a...
What if you could return to the road not taken? Happily married with a young son and another child on the way, Quinn Braverman has the perfect life. She also has an ominous secret. Every time she makes a major life decision, she knows an alternati...
When it comes to movie reviews, critic Violet Epps is a powerhouse voice. But that’s only because she’s learned to channel her literary hero Dorothy Parker, the most celebrated and scathing wit of the twentieth century. If only Violet could summo...
The acid-tongued Dorothy Parker is back and haunting the halls of the Algonquin with her piercing wit, audacious voice, and unexpectedly tender wisdom. Heavenly peace? No, thank you. Dorothy Parker would rather wander the famous halls of the Algon...
Bright lights bring trouble. . . Dana Barry has nothing against rules. She just knows they're meant to be bent. So it's no wonder the single, 20-something actress loses her day job. Now her life is a mess. . .that is, until she hears the S...
A Host of Trouble… In this witty and engaging novel, Dana Barry, the Shopping Channel’s star host, stops by the company’s rooftop party to pitch the new CEO her brilliant idea that just might save the flagging business, her job and possibly ...
Only one thing stands in the way of Laurel Applebaum’s happiness…Doug Applebaum. In this darkly comic novel about a wife whose rope is so frayed it’s about to snap, Laurel gets a call that her husband has been in an accident. She imagines th...
Welcome to Divorce Towers, the Beverly Hills condo where there’s more money than sense…more drama than money…and more heat than one high-rise can hold.Addison Torres has nothing left to lose in New York: no job, no fiancé, ...