Author Information
Ellen Mayer's Latest Book

Newest Release

  • Bibliography:
    14 Books
  • First Book:
    April 2015
  • Latest Book:
    July 2024
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Book List in Order: 14 titles

  • ***A board book with a special feature!
    A father and his child go shopping, searching for a pet fish. They find and talk about many things along the way, but where is the fish? Toddlers will love searching for that special fish. Adults can learn w...

  • Baby has fun with Mama as she dresses Baby and talks about each item of clothing. Uh-oh! One of the baby's socks is missing! Once the sock is found and Baby is all dressed, it's time to go play outside. Little ones will love spotting the missing sock...

  • It s time for Baby to get dressed, and Mama talks with Baby about each item of clothing.UH-OH! A sock is missing! Little ones can have fun finding the hidden sock and pointing to familiar objects in the illustrations. Parents and caregivers can learn...

  • A little boy and his grandma are baking a cake together. When the cake comes out of the oven and is decorated, it is not just any cake but a very special one!

    Little ones will love experiencing the different steps in baking a cake: helping to...

  • When spunky preschooler Rosa decided to help out her busy Mama, she enlists Grandpa's help to put away the clean laundry. Can little Rosa get this big job done before Mama returns from shopping? Join Rosa and her grandpa on a laundry day romp around ...

  • When spunky preschooler Rosa decided to help out her busy Mama, she enlists Grandpa's help to put away the clean laundry. Can little Rosa get this big job done before Mama returns from shopping? Join Rosa and her grandpa on a laundry day romp around ...

  • Mama, her toddler, and two stuffed bunnies turn an outing to the grocery store into a fun opportunity to talk, laugh, and learn a little math along the way. Baby is excited to choose one box of favorite cereal, hold two containers of yogurt, and find...

  • It is cleanup time, and Daddy and his little one are putting away books, blocks, teddy bears, and train cars, washing hands, and preparing for dinner all while having fun with math! As Daddy talks with his toddler, he uses spatial-relationship math w...

  • Uh oh! Baby needs a clean diaper. Mama diapers and plays with Baby while lovingly singing her own version of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” Diaper changing has never been such fun! As the newest book in the Small Talk Books® series,...

  • Follow the adventures of Gift and Box as they travel from Grandma's house to Sofia's front door!Gift and Box are a package, dropped off with love from Grandma at the local post office. But being a package together on a long postal voyage is not alway...

  • Yellow, Red, Green—GO! is a delightful addition to the Small Talk Books® math stories. These stories feature a young child and adult talking and having fun, their playful conversations enriching the child’s understanding of how math ...

  • Yellow, Red, Green—GO! is a delightful addition to the Small Talk Books® math stories. These stories feature a young child and adult talking and having fun, their playful conversations enriching the child’s understanding of how math ...

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    Uh oh! Baby needs a clean diaper. Mama diapers and plays with Baby while lovingly singing her own version of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.” Diaper changing has never been such fun! As the newest book in the Small Talk Books® series,...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Ellen Mayer has published 14 books.

Ellen Mayer does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Amarillo, rojo,verde pasen! / Yellow, Red, Green GO!, was published in July 2024.

The first book by Ellen Mayer, A Fish to Feed, was published in April 2015.

No. Ellen Mayer does not write books in series.