After her mother is elected as the first woman president, Meg discovers that, aside from all of the usual pressures of senior year, living in the White House makes school and relationships even more difficult...
Once an aspiring actress, Dana Coakley has abandoned the bright lights of stardom for a less glamourous position: as superintendent of an Upper West Side apartment building. The pay isn't great, and grouting and plumbing aren't dream work, but the re...
Monday 15, April 1912 It was after midnight, and I could still hear people moving about in the passageway. Before I had time to go out and join them, there was a sharp knock on my door. I opened it to see Robert. He was smiling, but his eyes looked...
May 6, 1889 At Iolani Palace, Father and I met with Papa Moi and Mama Moi in the throne room. Papa Moi was solemn, as he reminded me that it will be my responsibility to do as well as possible, and in that way, further the hopes of our nation. I was...
The sister of a Marine fighting in a war she does not believe in, our zealous heroine must reconcile her life as anti-war demonstrator with that of her brother.
An agonzing dilemma plagues these brother-sister diarists.
He is a Marine stati...
January 20, 1968 We're going to move out while it's still dark, try to get a jump on them. Everybody's packing as much ammo as they can carry. Most of us even have LAWs -- light anti-tank assault weapons. The terrain's too rough for tanks, but we ...
This story about a courageous dog, written by best-selling author Ellen Emerson White and illustrated by award-winning illustrator Robert Blake, is the perfect gift for Christmas!
It's the week before Christmas, and the families in Oceanport a...
Meg Powers is the daughter of the President of the United States. She's about to enter her first year of college. She's living through the worst year of her life.
Last June Meg was kidnapped by terrorists â€" brutalized, starved, and left fo...
Being the President's daughter isn't easy, but Meg's getting used to it. She's even starting to have a life again--okay, not a normal life, but things are beginning to fall into a routine. Then it happens--machine guns blast, a van screeches to a ha...
Determined to do his duty for his country, Patrick Seamus Flaherty joins the Marines right after graduation to fight in the Vietnam War. But Southeast Asia is a far cry from Patrick's hometown of Boston, and as soon as he arrives, he realizes that he...
A cynical shelter dog learns to let down his guard and form a new animal family in this heartwarming and humorous friendship story from the author of Santa Paws. Webster is too cool to be scared. Or alarmed. Or even a tiny bit nervous. So what if ...
Eighteen-year-old Jill Cafferty just made history. Her high school’s star pitcher, she is now the first woman drafted by a major league baseball team. Only days after her high school graduation, she’ll join the Pittsburgh Pirates’ Class A Short...