In her award-winning collection, Elizabeth Oness travels a vast emotional terrain, from the loss of innocence to sexual betrayal to the helplessness of parents before their children. In Momentum, a woman carries the burden of a dead friend's secre...
Three troubled sisters--Pagan, suffering from a difficult pregnancy; Prana, devastated by the breakup of her long-time love affair with a married man; and Zhikr, the reluctant caretaker of her soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend's daughters--find their already ...
Winner of the Gival Press Novel Award. ""Twelve Rivers of the Body lyrically evokes downtown Washington, DC in the 1980s, before the real estate boom, before gentrification, as the city limped from one crisis to another-crack addiction, AIDS, a crumb...
Harper, the hero of Elizabeth Oness's new novel, LEAVING MILAN, hopes for a life far from the small Ohio town where she has grown up, a place where distances are measured not by blocks or even miles, but by chain restaurants-"past Chi Chi's, Outback ...