Interweaves the lives of Gershom, an eighteen-year-old Jew, who shocks his family with his independence, and his cousin Miriam, and his teacher Rafe, whose gradual acceptance of their Jewish heritage leads to love...
Beth had reached a phase in her life where she was content and happy. She was introduced to a man, who recently lost his wife. She be-friended him, with telling him up-front that they would just be friends. For two years that seemed to work. Then her...
This story can be summed up as a boy's adventure in all its quirky day-dreaminess and fascination with spies, flamboyant villains who own islands and wear white suits and a mutinous, but very dead pirate. When half of a treasure map ends up in a box ...
A collection of short stories with a range of topics: a girl who discovers she is an alien, a boy whose inventions just aren't what they're cracked up to be, a fairy tale retelling, a spooky dare involving a scarecrow, a boy trying to evade a bul...
When an assassin infiltrates a secret meeting and people are killed, brothers Robbie and Dougray are plunged into a fast-paced journey of discovery. Their quest leads them to forbidden territory, where an Elf girl named Belle Song rescues them from t...
Surviving venomous plants and a turbulent journey downriver pursued by black wolves, Dougray, Robbie and Belle arrive at Syone, the fabled sanctuary of Healers. It offers warmth and welcome, and a respite from the ravages of the untaming. Or does it?...
Everything hinges on the success of Dougray and Robbie, orphaned brothers and fugitives, to lead King Morgran's soldiers on a wild goose chase to the Groaning Rocks, a place of demented souls. Attacked by a black dragon, they are rescued and given sh...
Armies are gathering from distant lands. In the midst of imminent war, two orphaned brothers, Dougray and Robbie, and their travelling companion Belle, have sought shelter with the elves. But even in their idyllic world, peace is short-lived when mon...
Dark forces released in the form of shape shifters threaten brothers Dougray and Robbie and their companion Belle when they embark on another perilous journey, this time to the Dead City. Here they are faced with the most fearsome trial of all when D...
Evil hunts brothers Dougray and Robbie as they seek the invisible Citadel of Gallenbreigh for the next crystal. Traps await them and time is slipping away. Soon all the demons will overrun Galfane as Morgran grows more powerful. Will they find the Ci...
This is the final, thrilling instalment of the Bethloria series. Demons are swarming everywhere and no place is truly safe. With insurmountable odds stacked against them, the trio attempt to fulfil ancient prophecies and release Bethloria and Galfane...
Newly arrived at Spells Meadow, England, and still grieving his mother's disappearance, 17-year-old Cody discovers an old key near an enormous hedge that changes his life forever. Instead of tossing it away, he and his friend Newt unwittingly activat...
Can portals into the past exist on the lonely English moors? Is something wrong with the mist-shrouded roads along the coast?Injured in a car crash, Fran Gilbert discovers that terrifying reality when she travels back to 1940 and WW 2 has well and tr...
Ten unforgettable stories of mystery and adventure from ten fantasy writers are woven together by the great Storyteller's own peculiar magic.The mysterious Logunder Library houses no ordinary books, but those created from trees from the Enchante...
A dystopian sci fi fantasy set in a divided world.A teenage boy wandering alone through a drought-ravaged wasteland, witnesses a fight one night between two sky-born. Against all reason, he saves the life of a badly-injured girl who is left for dead....