In the heartwarming tale of Are You Happy?, follow the curious and kind-hearted Randi as she spreads joy and happiness with a simple question. Join her on a journey of making the world a brighter place, one smile at a time. This charming story remind...
Amethyst Necklace is a heartwarming children's book about a girl who overcomes her fears with the help of a magical fairy and a special necklace. Join her on a journey of self-discovery and bravery as she learns to face the world with confidence and ...
The Lucky Coin is a children's book about a beautiful fountain where people toss lucky coins to make wishes. The story describe's the magic of making a wish. The book emphasizes the power of luck and the importance of holding onto hope and dreams. It...
In My Italian Grandpa, a child and their Italian grandpa have fun together. They cook tasty food, shop for strawberries, and share lots of love. The grandpa is funny and kind, and they have special moments together. This book is about family, love, a...
The Red Pepper is a delightful children's book that teaches young readers about the cycle of growth and renewal in a garden. Follow along as red, green, and yellow peppers grow, fall, and give life to new plants. With colorful illustrations and a hea...
The Spider Campsite Adventure is a whimsical tale about a group of spiders who camp in a lush avocado plant. They weave intricate webs to create their tents and spend the night sharing stories and laughter under the moonlight. When morning comes, the...
The book follows Chance and his sister Randi as they start collecting tchotchkes together on their adventures. Chance explains how each tchotchke holds special memories and brings joy. Inspired by Chance, Randi joins in and they bond over their share...
In the magical land of the northern lights, two small brown bears become the best of friends. From laughing on a mountain to swimming and hiking together, their adventures are filled with joy. To buy bikes, they start a successful fish-selling store ...
Discover the silly mishap when a grasshopper accidentally sips some coffee in this funny tale. Join the family as they share a laugh and a lesson that Grasshoppers Don't Drink Coffee! A delightful story for young readers about unexpected surprises an...
Join Bat Lady on her heartwarming journey of love, care, and friendship with her furry bat buddies. With her kind heart and gentle touch, she shows that even the smallest creatures deserve compassion and care. A delightful tale that teaches children ...
The Lost Moth is a heartwarming tale of a curious moth who embarks on an unexpected adventure. Join him as he navigates through the unknown. This enchanting story will captivate young readers and teach them the importance of perseverance and finding ...
In Baby Penguin goes on a playful adventure with some friends, but soon realizes the importance of staying close to family. With colorful illustrations and a sweet message about staying safe and listening to your parents, this story is sure to deligh...