From debut author Elizabeth Bonesteel, "The Cold Between" is the start to a stellar military science fiction series that combines hints of mystery and romance with action and adventure in the tradition of Elizabeth Moon, Linnea Sinclair, and Loi...
In this follow-up to the acclaimed military science fiction thriller The Cold Between, a young soldier finds herself caught in the crosshairs of a deadly conspiracy in deep space. Six weeks ago, Commander Elena Shaw and Captain Greg Foster were c...
A reluctant hero must prevent war in space and on Earth in this fast-paced military science fiction thriller from the author of The Cold Between and Remnants of Trust--a page-turning hybrid combining the gritty, high-octane thrills of James S. A. Cor...
Ten genre-spanning speculative tales of worlds both strange and familiar...On a planet that should have been long abandoned, a salvage operator discovers an impossible ecosystem...On an isolated mining outpost on Mercury, a woman dreams of suicide-an...