“This new novel has more twists and fakeouts than an episode of Serial.” -- Rolling Stone“An eerie, twisted thriller sure to shake up the most seasoned true crime die-hard." -- Harper's BazaarA Most Anticipated Book of 2021 by Rolling Stone •...
A destitute woman deceives her way into the guesthouse of a Hollywood Hills mansion and inadvertently becomes a target in the twisted game of the wealthy family upstairs in the next intoxicating novel from Eliza Jane Brazier. Lyla has always belie...
“The thriller of the summer.” -- Today.comSet in the glamorous, competitive world of showjumping, a novel about the girls who ride, their cutthroat mothers, and a suspicious death at a horse show…from the author of Good Rich PeopleWhen the nouv...
Two contract killers, each with a hit out on the other, must fight their growing attraction as they face off in an epic game of lust and murder across Western Europe.When Eva and Jonathan hook up on the sleeper train from Florence to Paris,...