Adventurous Zoe Sophia and her dog, Mickey, embark on a whirlwind trip to Venice to visit her great aunt Dorothy Pomander. During her stay, Zoe Sophia sees the sites, explores the city and bonds with her wonderful, quirky aunt. Featuring fun, vibrant...
When Zoe Sophia's favorite person in the world, her great aunt Dorothy Pomander, comes to New York, she and Zoe Sophia quickly become embroiled in a mystery as they do research for Dorothy Pomander's new book. Their hunt takes them to many of...
When Zoe Sophia's favorite person in the world, her great aunt Dorothy Pomander, comes to New York, she and Zoe Sophia quickly become embroiled in a mystery as they do research for Dorothy Pomander's new book. Their hunt takes them to many of the sig...
A diary of sketches, created during the first weeks of lockdown and presented as a daily newspaper on instagram. This contemplative visual journey takes us through the confusion and nebulousness of those early corona days, with insight, wisdom and hu...