Elanor Dymott’s gorgeous debut tells the story of Alex, a solitary lawyer who has finally found love in the form of his beautiful wife, Rachel. When Rachel is brutally murdered one midsummer night on the grounds of their alma mater, Worcester Colle...
A beautifully crafted novel about the tragic effects of a devastating childhood. “There was a child in our courtyard. I saw a child there, standing by the fountain. She was there, then she was gone.” On the death of the celebrated photograp...
'With the tension of a Nicci French thriller, the intellectual fizz of Donna Tartt's The Secret History and the very best of Maggie O'Farrell's unnerving readability, Dymott is a classy storyteller' Elle From the author of Every Contact Leave...
'A brilliant depiction of both romantic rapture and heartfelt delusion' (Daily Telegraph), Slack-Tide is the new sucker punch of a novel from Elanor Dymott, author of Every Contact Leaves a TraceIt is four years since the loss of a child broke her ma...