Author Information
Elaine MacDonald's Latest Book

Newest Release

  • Bibliography:
    9 Books
  • First Book:
    June 2013
  • Latest Book:
    November 2021
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Book List in Order: 9 titles

  • Corrie the Cockroach by Elaine Macdonald is an unusual, heart-warming story in rhyme about a cockroach who has a very sad life living in a bakers shop. One day the bakers wife sweeps him right out of the window with her broom. Little does Corrie know...

  • I See an Elephant tells the tale of a gentle elephant who wishes he was bird. He starts to build a nest, but when the birds laugh at his attempts and try to chase him away, Elephant takes a stand, declaring that he should be able to live as he choose...

  • I See a Rhinoceros tells the tale of a gentle rhinoceros who turns the brightest shade of pink. When the other animals confront him about his unusual colour, he denies that anything is wrong. Being curious, the animals investigate, and soon realise t...

  • I See a Lion tells the tale of a lion who is wearing woolly socks. When the rest of the lion family appears, all of them are dressed for winter, in hats, scarves and mittens. When asked why, Lion replies that winter is coming, and he doesn’t want h...

  • I See a Leopard tells the tale of a leopard who goes swimming in order to visit his friend Catfish. When Catfish serves up her favourite dish of wiggly worms, Leopard is distressed to discover that they keep slipping away and are not at all easy to e...

  • <b><i>I See a Buffalo tells the tale of a young buffalo who is distressed by her size. She wants to join the other animals at play, but her bulk and ungainliness make her self-conscious. When the animals turn her away, Buffalo decides to ...

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    Read the following five stories in this value for money book:•I see a lion•I see a buffalo•I see a leopard•I see a rhinoceros•I see an elephantEach of the stories in this compilation tells the story of a character that m...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Elaine MacDonald has published 9 books.

Elaine MacDonald does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, I See a Buffalo, was published in November 2021.

The first book by Elaine MacDonald, Corrie the Cockroach, was published in June 2013.

No. Elaine MacDonald does not write books in series.