A new, irresistible, emotionally compelling novel by the author of The Girls.
Three women -- Mollie; her daughter, Gilliana; and Gilliana's daughter, Clare -- take us into their lives. In the past, Mollie's story: her passionat...
A new, irresistible, emotionally compelling novel by the author of The Girls. Three women Mollie; her daughter, Gilliana; and Gilliana's daughter, Clare take us into their lives. In the pas...
IT WAS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. He as a bad boy, an irresistible ex-con from the wrong side of the tracks. She was a nice middle-class Jewish girl -- smart and quiet, prettier than she even knew. Will and Jenny shared a passion that defied their backg...
At 12, Chassi Jennings witnessed the tragic death of her mother, Academy Award-winning actress Sally Brash. Now 25 and a box-office star in her own right, Chassi is about to re-create her mother's signature role in a remake of No Trum...
The lives of 3 women interweave in this novel. Chassi Jennings visits therapist Eleanor Costello for help in curing her anxiety attacks caused by witnessing her mother's death as a child. Ionie St John, an unemployed actress receives her big break wo...
Married for thirty-one years, Jack and Linda North live on a spread of land seven hours north of Los Angeles. But once a month, this retired police detective and grandfather of four makes the drive to L.A. and another woman -- Rachel, his mistress of...