Chronicles the story of Ivory Bright, a reclusive antique toy store owner in her late twenties, and Ray Bartlett, a middle-aged insurance manager, two unlikely lovers with no common interests and no shared past...
A finely observed, richly textured novel of young and beautiful Meg Mobry's marriage examines the painful choice between fidelity and betrayal, and the doubts and consequences that decision may provoke.
Of Elaine Ford’s novel, Missed Connections, the Washington Post wrote that it is a work “of small episodes, of precise sentences, of unusual clarity.” That same clarity proves an unsettling force in Ford’s stories, where precision of prose of...
View love and marriage from every angle except Happily Ever After in these five stories and two novel excerpts. Ford sympathetically captures the emptiness of faded love, the disappointment of affection misplaced, the humor of narrowly-escaped misall...
This Time Might Be Different by award-winning writer Elaine Ford is a collection of stories in which deftly drawn characters contemplate difficult choices: a young girl might have coffee with a stranger; a guy might decide to rob the loca...