Deadly Awakening ~The first story in the Evolutis Rising Series follows the efforts of long-time friends to rescue a colleague who disappears after discovering the secret to re-programming the human genome with its promise of new powers and immortali...
Educated in mathematics and trained in research, I have spent ten years writing White Papers for corporations on emerging technologies. My current writings reflect an eclectic interest in the impact these new technologies may impose on individuals an...
Educated in mathematics and trained in research, I have spent ten years writing White Papers for corporations on emerging technologies. My current writings reflect an eclectic interest in the impact these new technologies may impose on individuals an...
Flash Fiction, 500 words. This story is about a purse snatcher who picked on the wrong lady too often.The media and police almost treat her as badly as the thief. In the end, she finds her own solution. I hope you enjoy it....
Onset is a Science Fiction story about the triumph of a woman pursued by dark forces that want the secrets behind her abilities and amazing powers. Confined to a wheelchair, Chloe struggles to overcome injuries from a bike racing accident. She does n...
The Ghost in my iPad, is about a middle-school boy, helped by a ghost, who solves the mystery surrounding a serial kidnapper. For close to a year, someone has been abducting a school girl each holiday. Jengo Allbright wants to find who is responsible...
For close to a year, someone has been abducting a middle school girl each holiday. When Jengo’ sister mysteriously disappears on the fourth of July and the FBI can’t find her, he and his buddy launch their own search. Sandwiched into their quest ...
ReSet, a sequel to Onset, is about the quest for discovery that will change medicine and the course of human development. Her legs paralyzed by a cycling accident, a wheelchair bound graduate medical researcher, Chloe Russo, discovers secrets of the ...
“The Holocaust must be remembered so it will never happen again.A Genecaust must be anticipated so it will never happen.”E L RussellThe short story of Sarah and Hagar is a tale of caution. The story is based in part on the Old Testament o...
This is a collection of science fiction Short Stories and Flash Fiction of people dealing with the consequences of genomic engineering, intended or natural.• The Stop• To Find a Thief• Sniper – POV• Bottoms Up• Critique...
ABOUT THE STORY The second book in the Evolutis Rising series DEADLY DISCOVERY is an exciting technothriller adventure ride through the discovery of space and time travel for Elizabeth Stosak and her cohort, all members of a new species of human, Hom...
MindSet, the third book in the science fiction series about genetic engineering, is a techno thriller of Chloe Russo’s quest for her awakening and emergence as a new human species, Homo Evolutis.This action adventure mystery story leads to reve...
ABOUT HOMO EVOLUTISMany scientists have suggested the name of Homo Evolutis for the next species of human. Self-healing and self-evoluving, Evolutis will will become the first immortal human species. How will this come about?Implantations? Augumentat...
For close to a year, someone has been abducting a middle school girl each holiday. When Jengo’ sister mysteriously disappears on the fourth of July and the FBI can’t find her, he and his buddy launch their own search. Sandwiched into their quest ...
In Book ~ 12:12, The 3rd in the Ghost in my iPad series, Lily's father, Mike Weaton, a forest ranger, disappears while investigating illegal hunting in the national forest. Jengo and his pal, Billy, soon find the tall trees hide dark secre...
While Finna battles in the Crusades for Eleanor of Aquitaine, a time traveler kidnaps her to fight in a Steampunk war across the galaxy. THE SEEKER â€" Finna’s Quest, High Concept Science Fiction, is the first novel and the Origin Story within a se...
While Finna battles in the crusades for Eleanor of Aquitaine, a time traveler kidnaps her to fight in a feudal war across the galaxy. THE SEEKER – Finna's Quest, is the first novel in a seminal series that pre-dates all of our published stories...
GENECAUST, 1st in a series of Technothrillers, is a 135,000 word Novel about a massive biochemical attack in the Middle East. To find the people behind the plot, SA GRANGER HAWKING is taken captive. MERET MATHER, a microbiologist aids in his return a...
GENECAUST, 1st in a series of Technothrillers, is a 135,000 word Novel about a massive biochemical attack in the Middle East. To find the people behind the plot, SA GRANGER HAWKING is taken captive. MERET MATHER, a microbiologist aids in his return a...
DescriptionSmart Killing Virus, a Techno Hard - Science -Thriller is the second book in the Meret Mather Mystery Series.In this sequel to Genecaust, Meret is Driven by the invention of CRISPER, the first Toolbox for programming Genome. She continues ...
REDEMPTION is the sequel to SKV (Smart Killing Virus) begins with Meret and Granger meeting with Poppy for a Sunday brunch on the middle of the arc of their shared balcony in the adjoining hotel penthouse apartments at the ZaZa hotel. The leade...
DRAFT ... Seven women gatrher to celebrate their recient P.H.D MD requirements and problems they had to overcome to be considered eligable positions as capabile canadates for positions with Research sciencetists with top Pharmco companies lookin...
Finna's Revenge, Book 2 in the series, continues Finna's pledge to find her father, dead or alivehttp/FINNA's revenge - Book 2 aug 27.docx.Knowing that the church has embarked on a mission to murder, and steal of all Knights Templar&nb...
Follow Chloe Russo through three Science Fiction, Action Adventure Thrillers as she fights her way back from a racing accident that left her confined to a wheelchair. Paralyzed from the waist down she uses her skills and knowledge as a graduate bioge...