Beautiful Nina McFall, star of television's hottest soap, "The Turning Seasons," has an unerring instinct for stumbling into mystery and mayhem. When the show's despotic producer is murdered, Nina turns amateur sleuth, joining forces with Detective L...
Soap opera star turned sleuth Nina McFall and police detective Dino Rossi have a hunch that a red-jewelled brooch is connected with a recent murder, and Nina's investigation leads to a killer who will do anything for the brooch...
Nina McFall can't wait to take a long-overdue vacation from the pressures--and dangers--of "The Turning Seasons" set. The rambling old farmhouse she's rented in upstate New York seems the ideal spot for a long, peaceful rest. With her friend Robin Ta...
Real-life star of As the World Turns for over forty years, actress and novelist Eileen Fulton weaves a sizzling tale that could only come from someone with an insider's savvy about what happens on a TV soap--after the cameras stop rolling...Left at t...