Meet George Kocharyan, Cambridge Confidential Services’ one and only private investigator. Amidst the usual jobs following unfaithful spouses, he is approached by the glamorous Sylvia Booker. The wife of the bursar of Morley College, Booker is worr...
“An intensely satisfying crime story” Daily Mail Private Investigator George Kocharyan is on the trail of a runaway maid, the employee of a famous TV surgeon and his beauty-queen wife. The maid is accused of stealing confidential docume...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
E.G. Rodford has published 2 books.
E.G. Rodford does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, The Runaway Maid, was published in March 2017.
The first book by E.G. Rodford, The Bursar's Wife, was published in March 2016.