Harry Sparrow, an American journalist determined to win a Pulitzer, travels to Dien Bien Phu and becomes involved with an ex-Nazi legionnaire and his girlfriend, Claudette Frontenac, in the midst of a confrontation between the French Army and a Co...
In the bestselling tradition of Larry McMurtry, a sweeping novel that tells the tale of how mighty Texas was born--now available in paperback.] In this epic novel set in 1839, author Edwin Shrake, himself a Texan, presents a portrait of Tex...
This Texas Traditions Series reprint takes us back to the Lone Star State during the Cold War at the beginning of the 1960s. The postwar generation is in a frenzy of high living and profligate spending. Big Texas oil is still subsidized by a federal ...
A TV western star quits his successful series and returns to Dallas to make a documentary film that reveals the truth about his home town. His quest forces him to learn if he is capable of using his six-gun for real as he moves from booze and radical...