In the years immediately following World War I, a young anthropologist named Jesse O'Keefe ventures into the Andean backwoods to find a culture worthy of study. There he stumbles upon the Rixtirra, a complex society fixated on locating a legendary Mo...
With the Mountain Drawn separated into two hostile camps, Forster, the Man of Darkness and Ignorance, prepares to sacrifice anyone to his own obsessive drive to reach the legendary Mountain Made of Light. Original....
After a back-road car accident in the Colorado Rockies seriously injures their parents, athletic fourteen-year-old Danielle and her brainy younger brother, Jake, set out together to find help. Walking twenty miles through deep snow is the most obviou...
Survivors of the civil war ravaging a reclusive civilization in the Andes, American explorer Jesse O'Keefe and his beloved Aeslu make the perilous ascent to the summit of the Mountain Made of Light to save the Mountain-Drawn people from annihilation....
En route to visiting their father at a medical mission, two children and their teenage cousin narrowly escape death when their small plane crashes deep in the Peruvian rainforest. The plane's pilot dies in the crash, leaving Rus, Jodie, and Matt Coop...
When I Die is a unique novel that not only takes the reader back to a time of strong individualism but also forward into the greatest change the West would ever experience. It is the final journey from one era to another, seen through the eyes of a s...
"Once upon a time," begins the narrator of this richly imagined novel. But what follows is no ordinary fantasy full of dragons, elves, and wicked stepmothers. Yes, the tale involves a boy named Jack. But he's not the one who climbed a beanstalk or sl...
Rick Dresner is spending the summer with the Romero family, who live in a barrio in the hills of Santo Domingo, Mexico. He'll help them build a house on their land, and in return, they'll provide room and board and help Rick improve his Spanish. But ...
SNYPE HUNTING: The Ultimate Campers Guide: Is a fun-filled and entertaining guide to everything you need to know about Snype hunting, and the elusive North American Snype itself. The book begins by taking you through the genealogy and classification ...
Like everyone else in the Realm of Siir, a sixteen-year-old village lass named Allu knows that music is forbidden. It's not that music doesn't exist; rather, music is a power that the Masters in far-off Sifirithi hoard in order to dominate Siir and e...