Hungry Men, first published in 1935, is a Depression-era novel portraying an unemployed musician, Acel Strecker, who travels America as a hobo, taking odd-jobs when he can, and begging for food when he can’t. His experiences, both good and bad, pai...
Bowie teams up with fellow thieves Chicamaw and T-Dub to rob a bank -- he needs the money to hire a lawyer to prove he’s innocent of murder. On the run, Bowie finds momentary peace when he elopes with a young woman. But Chicamaw and T-Dub want to r...
FEELS LIKE RAIN is the largest collection of Edward Anderson's fiction and true crime writing ever assembled. For a period of about three years Edward Anderson’s writing garnered the attention of the highest literary circles. He quickly moved from ...
Friends meet to have a party. The radio announces a declaration of war. Molina is the beautiful doctor and is admired by Cameron, the journalist who cannot bring himself to tell her of his love. Robert has sympathies with the Germans as he trained th...