When Edith Templeton’s stories began appearing in The New Yorker in the late 1950s, she quickly became a favorite of the magazine’s discerning readers. Her finely honed writing, honestly drawn heroines, and distinctive themes secured her repu...
Louisa is a clever, self-reliant woman who has just been discharged from her duty as an officer in the British Army during World War II. In a London pub one afternoon she meets Gordon: a slight, peculiar psychiatrist with queer eyes and a strange cha...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Edith Templeton has published 4 books.
Edith Templeton does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Gordon, was published in March 2003.
The first book by Edith Templeton, Island of Desire, was published in January 1985.
No. Edith Templeton does not write books in series.