Exploring the complicated landscape of human interaction within the walls of the offices of Essential Products Ltd., this serious yet comedic novel offers a glimpse into 1940s Trinidad. Against the backdrop of the often hierarchical and always comple...
First published in 1941, this vivid and poetic family saga was the first modern novel to focus on the lives of immigrants from India in the British Caribbean colonies. Set on the coast of British Guiana, the story spans...
Telling the tragic story of a young Sylvia Ann Russell, this novel focuses on the dilemmas of a young woman of mixed race in 1930s Guyana. After the death of her English father, Sylvia constantly struggles for economic...
100 miles up the Berbice River, the Reverend Harmston has set up a commune devoted to building a micro-society in which there is to be a balance between the order needed to produce their livelihood and the freedom to explore their personalites, parti...
Only when he is on board the steamer halfway to their remote destination up river in Guyana does Milton Woodsley realize that there is more to Henry Nevinson’s invitation to spend time with his family in their jungle cottage. Milton, an artist, thi...
When Woodsley, a young English painter, arrives in Barbados and finds no lodging available, he thinks himself fortunate to be invited to stay at Eltonsbrody, a mansion belonging to the eccentric widow Mrs Scaife. But behind the locked doors of the...
This compendium of Edgar Mittelholzer's uncollected writings, compiled and edited by Juanita Cox, brings together his early collection of sketches of Georgetown life, Creole Chips, his speculative novella, The Adding Machine, twenty-four short stor...