Red’s Planet, an intergalactic graphic novel fantasy series from award-winning cartoonist Eddie Pittman (writer/story artist for Disney’s hit TV series Phineas and Ferb), is a nonstop adventure with a unique cast of characters unlike any you’ve...
Soon after Red crash lands on a distant planet, she finds herself in a strange paradise surrounded by a host of odd and intriguing aliens, including her small gray companion, Tawee, and the planet's grumpy custodian, Goose. But even paradise has its ...
Where is everyone? Twenty-five years ago, a message from deep space fractured Humanity. The transmission? Only one word: Hello. Half of Humanity wanted to explore it, while the other half wanted to hide. Despite the division, a megaship, called ...
The epic conclusion to this intergalactic trilogy from Disney cartoonist Eddie Pittman In this rollicking conclusion to the Red’s Planet trilogy, Red discovers evidence that aliens may have abducted her mother and father, and is convinced her pa...