Set on a postapocalyptic frontier, Blackwing is a gritty fantasy debut about a man’s desperate battle to survive his own dark destiny...
Hope, reason, humanity: the Misery breaks them all.
Under its cracked and wailing sky, the Misery is a v...
In the second gritty installment of the Raven's Mark series, a bounty hunter faces down the darkest evil.
Ryhalt Galharrow is a blackwing--a bounty hunter who seeks out and turns over any man, woman, or child who has been compromised by the immort...
In the third gritty installment of the Raven's Mark series, Blackwing Captain Ryhalt Galharrow finds that all power comes with a price...
A sorcerous cataclysm has hit the Range, the final defensive line between the republic and the immortal D...
Those who see the dead soon join them.From the author of the critically-acclaimed Blackwing trilogy comes Ed McDonald's Daughter of Redwinter, the first of a brilliant fantasy series about how one choice can change a universe.Raine can see -- and spe...
Traitor of Redwinter is the second in Ed McDonald’s Redwinter Chronicles, full of shady politics, militant monks, ancient powers... and a young woman navigating a world in which no one is quite what they seem.The power of the Sixth Gate grows stron...
Having been saved from execution at the hands of the Draoihn -- powerful magic users Raine used to count as allies -- Raine finds herself in the Fault, a vast magical wasteland, which is falling apart before her eyes.Alongside her two closest compani...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Ed McDonald has published 6 books.
Ed McDonald does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Witch Queen of Redwinter, was published in November 2024.
The first book by Ed McDonald, Blackwing, was published in October 2017.