In this classic novel that inspired the TV series The Waltons, a father struggles to support his large family in Depression-era rural Virginia. For generations, the Spencers lived on the mountain that still bears their name in the Blue Hills o...
A young man searches for his missing father on Christmas Eve in this sequel to Spencer’s Mountain, the novel that inspired The Waltons. It’s the night before Christmas, but Clay Spencer has failed to return home. Leaving his worried family...
Timmy's mom is in a terrible accident on a stormy night after venturing out to feed the local wild deer, but when Lassie senses her distress, she rushes to the rescue and brings Timmy's mother home just in time to celebrate Christmas together....
Both readers and critics have been enchanted by Earl Hamner's novels Spencer's Mountain, which became a film with Henry Fonda and Maureen O'Hara, and The Homecoming, which became the pilot for Hamner's long-running and beloved television series, The ...