A funny and heartwarming bounce-to-the-beat underdog story about a kid rapper whose rhymes bring his community together, “effectively conveying the transformative power of art” (Publishers Weekly, starred review), by America's favorite rapping te...
This humorous and heartwarming sequel to Simon B. Rhymin', by America's favorite rapping teacher from Chicago, follows a young rapper navigating the inequality and injustice within his school and community. Eleven-year-old Simon and his friends are d...
The humorous and heartwarming third book in the Simon B. Rhymin' series, by America's favorite rapping teacher from Chicago, will have readers bopping along to the beat as Simon joins the community basketball team. When eleven-year-old Simon Barnes j...
This bounce-to-the-beat picture book by America’s favorite rapping teacher from Chicago is a tribute to the sights and sounds of a city neighborhood and the special bond between brothers as they help each other overcome their fears. ...