A young black attorney confronts issues of race and power as he uncovers a shocking conspiracy in the most page-turning and provocative thriller since The Firm. Martin Grey, a smart, talented black lawyer working out of a storefront in Queens, bec...
Meet Squirrelly in Squirrelly McNut Goes to School. This is a story that will just make you feel good! It's the first day of school for our main character. He is excited, nervous, and a little afraid. He discovers that school wasn't as scary as he t...
Dwayne Anthony Smith is the author of the Squirrelly McNut book series. He resides with his wonderful wife, Lauri, and their several rescued dogs. Dwayne graduated from Topeka-Tilton High School in Jayess, Mississippi, but he is originally from south...
One Missing Person. Two Rival Detectives. Infinite Chemistry. This rollicking thrill ride told in alternating “he said/she said” perspectives is an irresistible blend of mystery, sexual tension, and humor.Jackson Jones and Mackenzie Cunningham ha...