The dynamic new techno-thriller about nuclear terror Ten bombs, ten targets, and a merciless terrorist In the late seventies, KGB Chairman and future General Party Secretary Andropov commissions the creation of suitcase-size nuclear weapons. He ord...
Six years after the Gulf War, Saddam Hussein plots revenge against his enemies. A new and far more virulent form of VX nerve gas, called the City Killer by Western analysts, is finally produced in quantity. With the last of his SCUD missiles, Saddam ...
Over the bloody and dusty sands known as the Shatt el Arab, Saddam Hussein, embittered by the Gulf War, and Ayatollah Kambiz Abbasi, struggling to recover from a nuclear event, plot to punish America and Russia. The hollowed out Russian Army is bogge...
December 1999. The United States relinquishes control of the Panama Canal. The Chinese-owned Panama Ports Company assumes control and a disturbing veil of secrecy descends over the strategic waterway. A clandestine mission to China's Fujian province ...
The Swap When U.S. forces capture Hannbali the terrorist, Abdul Haq, his second-in-command, conceives a plan to free his leader-a hostage exchange. Haq spends the next six months planning the attack. They choose their ground carefully. They prepare f...