In this rueful tale, written under a simple but pervasive formal constraint, Olympic gold medal winner Ken Honochick and his girlfriend take a cross-country road trip to revisit his brief moment of triumph and his subsequent long haul on the promotio...
Doug Nufer writes fiction, poetry, and performance pieces that seem to be based on formal constraints even when they are not. Never Again, the most audacious example of his work to date, is a novel in which no word appears more than once. It is the s...
Fiction. Doug Nufer pays tribute to the flip-over format popularized by Ace Doubles. These two novels reflect and refer to each other, as the author pursues his mad dream to revive a crafty format of convenience as an art form of necessity. "THE MUDF...
Fiction. In 2002, Doug Nufer wrote a story narrated by a tout, who proposed a novel way to beat the races. It was so absurd and ludicrous it gave him an idea. So Nufer went to Emerald Downs, home of thoroughbred racing in the Northwest. There, he spl...
As if I’ve come to some lovely new abode: my dazed eyes alit in awe; my capacity for alive lucidity developed in a mere minute to be purely moved in a dedicated anatomy Nufer avowed in a literary mode.
Ava Fedorov
Lifeline Rule’s ...
Fiction. In METAMORPHOSIS, Doug Nufer first metamorphoses The Metamorphosis, Kafka's famous story, by subjecting a composite English translation of Kafka's full text to anagrammatic transformations that carefully retain the semantic outline of the or...