This delightful set of stories about the adventures of a mischievous koala bear has been loved by generations of young Australians. Dorothy Wall's amusing tales and drawings, and her love of the bush and concern for its conservation, still have the p...
With a fresh newly designed cover, Australia's favourite koala returns to delight old and new readers alike.The Complete Adventures of Blinky Bill combines in one edition Dorothy Wall's much-loved classics, Blinky Bill (1933), Blinky Bill Grows Up (1...
Little Tommy the koala bear is sad and lonely in his gumtree in the country. The doctor recommends a trip to the city to brighten him up. While Tommy is in the city, he tries lots of different activities but those funny Zookie creatures seem t...
Blinky Bill tells the story of a naughty little koala, Blinky Bill, and his friends Splodge the Kangaroo and Wally the Wombat. Mischievous Blinky Bill creeps out of bed at night and runs into his friends at the edge of the river and tries his hand at...