The two frontier women, Nancy Hanks and Sally Bush, are imaginatively portrayed as having endowed Abe Lincoln with the intellectual, moral and spiritual fiber which characterized him as one of the nation's great leaders...
A biographical novel about Dolley Madison, the charismatic First Lady who, in the War of 1812, rescued a portrait of George Washington from the walls of a White House that was being burned by the British...
A compelling biography of a Britishâ€"born young lady who in 1961, at the age of twenty-three, contracted a rare nerve disease (myasthenia gravis) which eventually left her unable to move any body part, except for slight movements in her big toes. To...
A brilliant work of biblical fiction by Dorothy Clarke Wilson, Moses, The Prince of Egypt was immediately embraced by the public when first published in 1949 (as Prince of Egypt). The novel became an inspiration for the 1956 film, The Ten Commandment...
A dramatic portrayal about the life of Jesus as a twelve-year-old Hebrew boy (the age of manhood). Jesus spends most of his time as a carpenter in his father’s shop in Nazareth and in studying Jewish spiritual laws in preparation to becoming a rabb...
In this dramatic work, a provocative insight is provided into the life of Jesus as perceived through the eyes of his brother, James. Historically, this was a time when Israelites awaited the coming of a Messiah who would remove the yoke of Roman bond...
In this dramatic work, a provocative insight is provided into the life of Jesus as perceived through the eyes of his brother, James. Historically, this was a time when Israelites awaited the coming of a Messiah who would remove the yoke of Roman bond...
From the pages of Biblical history comes a story of power, pride, evil, and good told with great vividness and suspense by Dorothy Clarke Wilson. Few women have equaled Jezebel's combination of beauty and wickedness, and few have been as successful i...