Four witty, bitter-sweet stories by talented young German film-writer whose film "Men" reached out beyond its obvious feminist audience to achieve great success in New York and London. Men and films, and the dreams that films embody, form the backgro...
In sixteen short stories, the author probes the mysteries of human behavior, ranging from Germany to southern California in an insightful exploration of the longings, emotional turmoil, and offbeat struggles of the characters...
Despite it being a regular school day, Lottie awakes with the need to wear her golden princess dress to school because she knows something special is going to happen, yet trying to convince her mother of the pending event doesn't turn out to be an ea...
Meet Fred Kaufmann, disillusioned husband of thoroughly competent Claudia and father of surly teenager Franka. His dreams of being a movie director have long ago been shelved for marriage and a child. While Claudia sells her successful vegetarian ...