Legend tells of King Arthur, mortally wounded at the hand of the traitorous Mordred in the final battle of Camlann. Before he was taken to the magical Vale of Avalon, Arthur declared that one day he would return, when the kingdom of Logres was once m...
Seventeen-year-old Natasha Roth and her older brother, Arthur, are reunited once more with the Knights of the Round Table. Unfortunately their joy is not shared by Arthur’s girlfriend, “Slurpy” Samantha, whose hatred of Natasha has not been les...
Natasha Roth and her older brother, Arthur, have removed the magical darkness that had fallen over the land of Logres. But all actions have consequences. Nimue, the Lady of the Lake, is now a sworn enemy. Natasha realises that the only way the land o...
Sixteen-year-old Mila Roth wants to be normal. It’s a phrase that has been drilled into her by her mother since she was born. But Mila Roth is anything but normal. For sixteen years her parents have hidden a secret from her. For Mila was born one t...
"How did you die?" It's the most popular question in Hell, and Mitchell Johnson has been answering it ever since he was hit by a bus at age seventeen and inexplicably ended up in the Underworld. Now Mitchell is The Devil's intern in Hell's accountin...
Six months ago, seventeen-year-old Rustin Hall thought he knew what he wanted. Then he travelled back in time with his best friend, Mila, to the world of Camelot, knights and magic, and everything changed. Now Rustin is the artisan, and he knows his ...
Medusa Pallister is about to interview for the most important job of her existence: an internship in Hell's accounting office. If she gets it, she'll report to Septimus, the coolest boss in the underworld. But the job will also mean working with Sept...
Team DEVIL is back this time, led by the indomitable Viking prince Alfarin to wrest a banshee from her hiding place in the Nine Circles of Hell. Ever since The Devil's wife left him to go find herself, the overlord of Hell has had a hard time repl...
The end has come and Team DEVIL face their biggest challenge. The Devil has opened the Seven Seals of the Apocalypse, and if Hell and Up There don’t find a way to come together, then the souls of the Afterlife will be lost forever. Elinor Powell, t...