A collection of seventeen short stories by such noted writers for young adults as Gordon Korman, Chris Crutcher, T. Ernesto Bethancourt, Richard Peck, and M.E. Kerr, spanning subjects that include penpals, the first day of high school, computers, and...
This collection of chilling tales features selections by noted writers such as Joan Aiken, Vivien Alcock, Elsa Marston, Jane McFann, Frances A. Miller, and Joan Lowery Nixon. Reprint. SLJ. K. PW. ...
This anthology features stories about individuals who find themselves in situations that test their strength of character. They are called upon to make moral choices, face the consequences of their actions, and consider what it means to "do the right...
Teenagers who have entered this new millennium with visions of what their lives will be like in years to come will be intrigued by these 10 imaginative stories collected and edited by author and editor Donald R. Gallo. Award-winning authors explore a...
FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY. Kids who are geeks, unathletic, poor, emotionally fragile, loners, or unattractive by current standards form the heart of this collection of exceptional stories by well-known authors.--School Library Journal....
Ten extraordinary authors contribute original stories about journeys of discovery, taking readers on a trip they’ll never forget - and to destinations
they never expected.
Darius climbs on a bus to a part of town he’s never seen. Mick g...
"An excellent collection on a topic that holds a strange and fascinating allure." -- SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL
Everyone is afraid of something. But for those with phobias, that fear is exaggerated: the throat tightens; the heart races. The ten ...
A knockout collection of 16 original stories featuring young adults playing basketball and football, running track and cross-country, and training for the triathlon. Challenges abound in water sports, racquetball and tennis, boxing and wrestling, and...