"The improbably life of a mother, as seen through the eyes of a child. Critically acclaimed author, storyteller, and humorist shares his ""novel of memories"" on the unique character of his mother in celebration of her life after dying in 1998. Altho...
When Jack leaves his Appalachian home to seek his fortune, he finds it in a roundabout way. Along the way he assembles a group of traveling companions that includes a dog, a cat, a rooster, a donkey, and a cow. As night falls and they grow hungry, th...
An Appalachian Folktale retold by Donald Davis
In this award-winning home-grown version of "The Three Little Pigs," the villain is, naturally, a fox - the Appalachian red fox, who any local hunter will tell you is a worthy and cunning...
Winner of Anne Izard Storytellers' Choice Award
Donald Davis grew up in the mountains of western North Carolina hearing stories that most American children have never heard. He did not know he was hearing anything special, but he was,...
Winner of YALSA Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults
Highly acclaimed, award winning author Donald Davis wants us all to remember and share our family stories. Among other...
Davis provides a peephole into the rural life of Close Creek, North Carolina in 1910. The novel's themes -- hardship and tragedy set against the strength and beauty of family love -- prove affecting and timeless....
The home theater will never replace the drive-in theater in America's imaginary landscape. Donald Davis recalls a summer working under the lax supervision of Daff-Knee Garlic, owner and operator of the Sulpher Springs Big-Screen Drive-In Theater in r...
This is a double set of double stories. The first set is made up of a story my Grandmother told me about when my mother broke her arm...twice! The second story in this set is my story of when we broke my little brother's collarbone...twice! It is abo...
Old Man Hawkins was a larger-than-life character among deer hunters, or more precisely among tellers and hearers of tall tales. His self-proclaimed method of hunting deer by holding a mirror in one hand and his rifle in the other pointing backward ov...
The title story here is the story of my Mother's fear of snakes and of the way she eventually got passively even with me for making fun of her. She always came out on top. The second story we put on this recording is called 'The Red Coat,' as it is a...
Audiences at storytelling festivals worldwide are passionate about Donald Davis and his deceptively soft-edged Appalachian stories. Developed in oral performance, Davis'stories resonate in the experiences of his listeners and readers....
Winner of Storytelling World Award & NAPPA Gold Award (Storytelling)
Storyteller Donald Davis had a very sensible mother. She had a pretty good idea what boys would do, so she was always on the lookout. As Davis later learned, always being on the lookout is what mamas do. His vigilant but gentle mother gave her son mu...
Over the river and through the woods we go, hoping Grandma doesn't get run over by a reindeer. The words Christmas Pageant probably either make you glow with nostalgia or break out into a cold sweat. This collection of stories will make you laugh, ma...
In his first new book in six years, Donald Davis, considered by many to be the father of family tales, returns to recollections of growing up in the southern Appalachians, and especially of his relationship with his sibling Joe. Davis has remarked...
This is a set of three stories about trouble with little brothers, especially mine. One is the story of the haircut he badly needed, and so I gave it to him. One is the story of getting permanently fired as his babysitter. The third is the story of o...
We all dream about what we want to do for the rest of our life. We plan, train and work hard as we develop our skills in our chosen field. But what happens if a catastrophic illness or accident suddenly takes away all our physical abilities? This is ...
Joe Davis was in his mid-forties when he became a father, and the experience he was able to apply in raising his sons lent creativity to his parenting. The five stories here recall the wisdom of fathers with humor and rich detail: a visit to the Smit...
Donald Davis's notorious Uncle Frank conducts a tongue-in-cheek history lesson in this title story. Telling more about human foibles than history, Davis has his hearers laughing both at and with his characters. The story offers some entertaining advi...