In these postmodernist episodes of high comedy, Don Webb turns Ovid's classic work, The Metamorphosis, on its head. Awarded the 1988 Illinois State University/Fiction Collective Prize through a nationwide fiction competition, Webb's first book of fic...
A Spell for the Fulfillment of Desire is a postmodern magical papyrus collecting the short fiction of Don Webb from around the globe, and presenting his unique views on sex, language, and fictioneering. Drawing from science fiction, linguistics, and ...
When John Reynman stumbles upon a corpse on his living room floor, the body of a murder victim who looks just like him, he embarks on a dangerous investigation to uncover the dark secrets that led to the crime. A first novel....
Matthew Reynman, an Austin used bookstore owner and fireworks devotee, investigates the strange disappearance of his late wife's ashes, finding himself suddenly deeply involved in an unlikely criminal world....
Like a caper novel as Philip K. Dick might have written it, Endless Honeymoon is a weird and wild run through the world of crime.Way back when, Robin Hood's turf for his deeds of derring-do was England. Nowadays, Willis and Virginia work the turf in ...
A man who terrifies women, a mystery writer stalking his editors, an old man fantasizing about murder, Brittany Spears revenging her kidnappers, a writer killing people to work out his plots, a magic ring that reveals a hidden killer, a vampire disgu...
"In Don Webb’s ""Weird Wild West,"" Henry James avenges his brother Jesse, Robert E. Howard’s serpent people are a modern gang, Satan flies a Zeppelin, and hobos liberate a zebra from a stolen train. Great weird fiction set in the west! “Don W...
The alien Belatrin are the "Other." They look like us, they organize their society like ours, yet even the slightest contact with them leads humans to madness. Here are seven encounters from a war in space that leads to a species-changing mom...
A VELVET OF VAMPYRES: Tales of Horror, by Don Webb. It's a "murder" of crows and a "parliament" of owls. For bats, the genus is "velvet," and hence also for vampires. We like the older spelling, the one John Polidori gave ...
"The writers I most admire are those whose unique voice or imagination shines from the page -- radiating that sense of personality, of idiosyncrasy, that lets you know the robots didn't die-stamp this one. Don Webb is distinctly original, each of his...
Don Webb's writing in the assorted, sordid, sauced and sauteed stories contained in BEYOND THE SEVEN LABYRINTHS (A RHINESTONE MANIFESTO) exhibits a kind of ultra-sanity, hyper-tactility and para-wisdom found only in the utterly mad and visionary lite...
An ambitious journalist summons the hideous horse-demon Seere, seeking the First Contact scoop of the ages. But things really get weird only when the aliens from...