Paradise Falls is an epic chronicle of America -- as overwhelming and teeming with vitality as the nation itself. Written in the tradition of Raintree County, this giant of a novel encompasses 35 years in the life of the small Ohio town of Paradise F...
An old-fashioned panoramic story of two people who shared a lifetime overflowing with warmth and wisdom, people and events. It will make you believe in love again. "Magnificent." San Francisco Chronicle...
On a quiet autumn afternoon in 1944, nine-year-old Morris Bird III decides to visit a friend who lives on the other side of town. So he grabs the handle of his red wagon and, with his little sister in tow, begins an incredible pilgrimage across Cleve...
It is the summer of 1948. Thirteen-year-old Morris Bird III lives in Cleveland with his parents and little sister. His mother aggravates him, his sister is a pain, and his father’s radio personality ego is out of control -- as is Morris’s own bod...
If there was one genuine truth that Morris Bird III thought he understood, it was that the world forever and relentlessly changed. But only in one direction -- from simple to complicated. When he was nine, Morris Bird III learned the meaning of br...