Navy SEAL Team Six commando Don Mann infuses his debut military thriller with the real-life details only a true insider can reveal. In the midst of a grueling training exercise, Thomas Crocker, USN, unearths a pocket of terrorism that leads straig...
Thomas Crocker and SEAL Team Six are back for another adrenaline packed adventure from former SEAL commando Don Mann. When a nuclear device goes missing, and surfaces in the clutches of known terrorists, the United States calls on its most prized...
SEAL Team Six and Thomas Crocker are back hunting their most elusive adversary yet: The Falcon. SEAL Team Six operative Thomas Crocker is no stranger to missions of the highest national importance and the gravest danger. But this time, the mission...
Real-life SEAL Don Mann brings all of his insight and experience to the next installment of the SEAL Team Six series. When a senator's wife and teenage daughter are kidnapped, Thomas Crocker and SEAL Team Six are sent to Mexico's lawless countrysi...
In war-torn Syria, the heroes of the SEAL Team Six series defuse an ISIS warlord's explosive plot. After a meeting with a CIA source in Istanbul ends in tragedy, SEAL Team Six Chief Warrant Officer Thomas Crocker vows revenge. He suspects the men ...
The North Korean government is days away from realizing its nuclear ambitions and only the heroes of SEAL Team Six can stop it. Chief Warrant Officer Thomas Crocker of SEAL Team Six's Black Cell is in Las Vegas after conducting a training exercise...
Don Mann and Ralph Pezzullo's shockingly authentic military thriller sends Thomas Crocker and his SEAL Team Six brothers to confront a notorious ISIS general, The Viper, during the occupation of Aleppo, Syria. Despite the efforts of the Assad gove...
Thomas Crocker's SEAL Team Six crew deploys to the Nigerian jungle to combat arms and human trafficking by Boko Haram, in Don Mann and Ralph Pezzullo's latest fiercely authentic military thriller. The charismatic Boko Haram leader Ratty Fe...
A new ultra-elite force, developed over the last two decades and now ready to deploy, has entered the scene of worldwide clandestine military operations: The Praetorians. The Praetorians is made up of the best of the best WORLDWIDE and hand-se...