After surviving a clandestine operation that went tragically wrong, Matt Drake escaped Syria with his life, but little else. Now, to save the life of another, he must return to Syria and confront his biggest failure in a debut thriller Lee Child call...
Jack Ryan, Jr., will do anything for a friend, but this favor will be paid for in blood in the latest electric entry in the #1 New York Times bestselling series. Jack Ryan Jr would do anything for Ding Chavez. That's why Jack is currently sit...
The fight for freedom has sent Matt Drake to some of the world's most dangerous spots. This time the war is coming to his front door. Broad daylight on an Austin, Texas, street and DIA agent Matt Drake is fighting for his life against a highly...
In the espionage community, Vienna is known as the City of Spies, and Matt Drake is about to learn why in the latest electrifying thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of Tom Clancy Target Acquired and The Outside Man.When a myster...
Jack Ryan, Jr. is the one man who can prevent a second Korean War in the latest thrilling entry in the #1 New York Times bestselling series. When the leader of North Korea is catastrophically injured, his incapacitation inadvertently triggers a â€...
If there’s one thing Jack Ryan, Jr’s father taught him, it’s that freedom isn’t free, but nothing can prepare Jack for the price he must pay in the latest electrifying entry in the #1 New York Times bestselling series.Jack Ryan Jr. is in a wo...
"A fascinating, action-packed thriller from one of the genre's most talented authors. Don Bentley delivers a blistering adventure loaded with excitement and fabulous characters. You will not want it to end!" -- Brad Thor, New York Times #1 bestsellin...
The aftermath of a shocking crime sends Jack Ryan, Jr., down a path that leads to international destruction in the latest entry in this #1 New York Times bestselling series.The quiet of a Texas night is shattered by the sounds of screeching brakes, c...