At the age of twenty-eight, Princess Ysolde Westbrook is a spinster duchess, the adopted daughter of Hindera’s eccentric monarch. Commoners love their benevolent leader, but the kingdom’s gentry take offense to the outsider among them. Amid noble...
The world knows paranormal creatures exist. They're clerks, nurses, teachers, and even lawyers. But first, before they're allowed free rein in the mortal realm, half-fae like Skylar must endure four years of training at PNRU's academy of magic and hi...
Trouble brews between Hindera and Fas Perra when skirmishes between the newly allied kingdoms' soldiers endanger their fragile truce. To worsen matters, two years after pledging his allegiance to their former enemy, Scion Etienne Dufresne discovers a...
When Gabriel arranges a vacation in New Orleans with his half-faerie girlfriend, he expects creole cuisine and opportunities to watch her prance in a skimpy bikini. The local sentinel office that polices paranormal activity has another idea in mind--...
When a zombie epidemic sweeps trough the local mall and kicks the school year off with a bang, Sky can't wait to take on her first official operation of the term. Her kind may be immune to the devastating virus, but shapeshifters throughout the commu...
Skylar's year jumps off to a dramatic start when fae begin vanishing from Chicago's streets, abducted by the wicked Puppet Master pulling everyone's strings. When King Oberon offers Skylar an opportunity any faerie would envy, Sky finds herself torn ...