Author Information
Dominique Botha's Latest Book

Newest Release

  • Bibliography:
    2 Books
  • First Book:
    August 2013
  • Latest Book:
    August 2013
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Book List in Order: 2 titles

  • “You are too close to the water,” Paul whispered. “There are barbels in the mud. They will wake up if you step on them.”
    When Paul and Dominique are sent to boarding schools in Natal, their idyllic childhood on a Free State farm is over....

  • “Jy is te naby aan die water,” fluister Paul. “Babers slaap in die modder. Hulle sal wakker word as jy op hulle trap.”Paul en Dominique se sorgelose kinderdae op ’n Vrystaatse plaas is vir ewig verby wanneer hul ouers se linkse politiek die...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Dominique Botha has published 2 books.

Dominique Botha does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, False River, was published in August 2013.

The first book by Dominique Botha, False River, was published in August 2013.

No. Dominique Botha does not write books in series.